Dr. Vera Petrovna Butkouskaya



HomeStudent ProjectsStudents-generated contentHow to increase your sales revenue by Content Marketing? / Student-generated content

How to increase your sales revenue by Content Marketing? / Student-generated content

To make sure your work on Marketing is getting beneficial and takes credit, is also important to understand how to connect your content Marketing ( videos, social network,etc…) to your real sales, so doing an parallel work.

First of all and the most important thing is to create content with quality, and not to make routine posts.

So trying to connect your real products to your content is the real deal.

If we don’t do that, what will happen is that potential buyers and followers will eventually get tired of us, and unfollow us or don’t get the credit for our publications anymore.

Planificate your schedule of publications along the calendar, differentiate them and create new content, so the engagement of the buyers will get more and higher, and in direct relation, our sales will increase a lot, due to this process.

One important thing to do directly correlate to the first point is to make sure you analyse and understand the needs of your buyers and customers.

In this modern world, needs and in relation, customers change a lot.

So to make sure you are selling what they want you to have to analyse what they want.

There are so many ways to do that:

  • -Direct observation
  • -By surveys
  • -Analyzing reactions to your previous publish content
  • -Asking them

With this, you will eventually make sure that you are offering what they want, and by this changing in the process the preferences or characteristics of the product or whatever you are selling to them.

For example, you can determinate preferences, by the engagement that your post have had in the past, like analysing the feedback or simply looking at the views.

And finally as I have said in the last phrase, what you can really take from content marketing is to take your feedback in attention, so you can make sure by direct forms what are your customers asking you, so  you change the problems or understand the benefits.

It’s important to make sure you take feedback in a way that don’t irritate or make you customer tired, so try good ways to make your customer entertaint while asking them what we should be changing.

Finally here some good tips to make all what I have explained more easy, it’s all about prove new things and make it happen.

Commit to best practices in each area

You can’t have a successful sales-content dynamic if neither your sales nor your content strategy are succeeding on their own.

Open a dialogue between your teams

Foster an environment where your content staff and sales staff feel comfortable engaging with one another. The more opportunities there are for interaction here, the better.

Segment everything you can

If possible, segment your audiences as much as possible.

Think in terms of bottom-line results

Objective numbers are the best way to gain meaningful insight into your performance. For example, does this tactic result in more sales?

Measure, analyze, and take action

Take measurements of everything along the way, including secondary indicators of success like social shares and reader comments. When done taking data, use those data to take action, experimenting with different tactics until you find one that makes a measurable difference.






How Content Generates Leads and Sales at Every Step of the Funnel: Perfect Content Marketing:


The content was generated by the student: Ferran Bosch Gómez