MngAcc /Introduction/
Introduction to the Subject “Management Accounting” (MngAcc)
EUTDH – University School of Tourism and Hotel Management
Class Materials
!!! pdf password MngAcc
Presentation – Google Drive link >>> https://goo.gl/44anjp
Download PDF presentation MngAcc-Intro password MngAcc
GoogleDocs >>> https://drive.google.com/open?id=1cGVrKLcdJYAmHWl3YGu2MfZLq-_W_5NC05TCdicLlRk
Bhimani A, Horngren CT, Datar SM and Rajan M. Management and Cost Accounting, 5/E. Financial Times Press 2012.
Tests and Exams
- Continuous evaluation tests:
- Test 1. 30/10/2017
Test topics:
quiz https://play.kahoot.it/#/k/82085532-5f00-47f2-83bb-5701ff3df22c
Test has 2 parts
Part 1 – Theoretical multiple choice questions. 60% of the Final grade. Each question 0.5 points. Each wrong answer – 0.25 points.
Part 2 – Practical part. 40% of the Final grade. Each question 1 point. No reduction for the wrong answers. You can use the list with the related formulas. Not class slides and Exercises are permitted to use.
- Test 2. 27/11/2017
Test topics:
Topic 3, 4, 6, 7
- Final Exam (need to be checked) 05/12/2017 9:00 room – pending…
Organizational Moments
- 13/11/2017 Monday – no class.
- Recuperation + 1 h. self-done exercise 13/11
- +1 h. date is pending